My Road To VEGANISM And Reasons Why I Am Doing This | SAVE and Inspire

It’s not an easy road to take to become a complete vegan. I started being a PESCATARIAN (vegetarian + seafoods/chicken meat/dairy) last 2016. I’ve been so lucky when I met Sean, aside from having Zyair, our cute little angel, he’s the one who help me push my long term goal of veganism.


  • To save money Plant-based diet is way cheaper than buying different kinds of meat. Just know where your local market is, do not opt for imported products.
  • To save the animals. Animals, same as humans, always have the right to life and freedom. When we say animals, it refers not only to dogs and cats. Thus, I want to inspire you and supporters of any animal advocacies to learn and try veganism. Learn what has been happening in slaughter houses before enjoying every bite of a smoked bacon or a crispy lechon.
  • To save yourself. Won’t you agree that when you go on plant-based diet, your health is assured in having low cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even some types of cancer? Just know the right nutrients and vitamins intake (plant-based) you need to set in accordance to your daily meals.
  • To save the environment. Don’t you know that the main reason of deforestation, loss of habitat, and species extinction is because of meat eaters? Why? How? Don’t feel the guilt yet, let me explain more.

Think of this, because of high demands of meat, livestock farmers are increasing their production. To meet this, they need boundless amount of lands for the livestock and for the plants they will use to feed these enormous number of animals. Like in Brazil, they cleared more than 2 million hectares of land to plant soya beans as a food for the farm animals in Europe set for the meat industry. Like this act is where deforestation begins.


There’s no such thing as ethical meat when one fully understand that all living creatures fear from death, just like us humans. Even if how well we treated a pig/cow/chicken/fish while it’s alive but when it arrives in the SLAUGHTER house, it’s the scenario that we should all consider.


I know it’s not easy but I’m pretty sure you can also do it. It took me 5 years to become a vegetarian by starting doing a pescatarian diet but right now I’m fully convinced that I can do now the complete VEGAN diet since I am actually doing it already with Sean.


Yes, I totally agree that it’s my personal choice to practice veganism and in fact I am not forcing anybody to become one. However, with your personal choices, would you rather choose to spend more to eat, be cruel to any kinds of animals, risk your health, and won’t care the environment or live a simple but guilt-free and happy life with purpose?